USM Launches Malaysia's First Piko Satellite Through Falcon 9, SpaceX

 Universiti Sains Malaysia together with SpaceIn, a company focused on the development of small satellites, is now making its own history by successfully launching Malaysia's first pico satellite into space, named SpaceANT-D.

SpaceANT-D (Space Advance Network Technology) has been successfully launched using Space X's Falcon 9 rocket. It will then be launched into space in 7 to 10 days, before the first signal of the satellite is sent to the earth station. This satellite mission is also the result of a joint venture with the Association of Malaysian Amateur Radio Broadcasters.

Through this satellite, it will receive data from the Earth station, and then to cloud computing storage that will make it easier for other users to retrieve the data. Among the industries expected to be the focus of SpaceANT's use are agriculture, forestry, oil and gas industries.

USM aims to introduce small satellites that will provide more opportunities in exploring space technology, in solving the problems of various local industries. With this achievement, let's all look forward to more compact and small satellites being launched by local companies in continuing to explore the space industry.

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