Apple Reportedly Halting Development of Self-Designed 5G Modem

 Apple's effort to be more independent in the near future is to use its own screen design, memory, and camera sensor to reduce costs. They have already succeeded in developing their own chips with efforts to produce cellular modems being carried out. According to a MacRumors report, the development of this 5G modem may have been stopped.

Citing two different sources, the report says Apple is in the process of halting modem development based on information provided to the supply chain. Among the issues that we have reported before is the less satisfactory performance of the modem when compared to the Qualcomm modem that is used now. There is still no official statement confirming these rumors.

The development of this own modem did not go well even after Apple took over this business from Intel a few years ago. It was also involved in a lawsuit by Qualcomm that claimed intellectual property was being used without permission until it was settled out of court for $18 billion in 2019.

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