MOSTI – What's Interesting Throughout 2023?


MOSTI or the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation is one of the main ministries in the development of the local research and innovation development arena. A number of ecosystems under them, not limited to science only, but also related to the development of local startups, etc. Throughout 2023, a number of activities have been carried out by MOSTI, and the following are 10 interesting things by MOSTI throughout 2023.


In promoting a culture of innovation and creativity, MOSTI together with the Ministry of Finance this year introduced a reality program called INNOVATHON. Through it, it shows various ideas and designs presented to the jury. NACOTS, a virus and cancer detection device is the INNOVATHON champion for 2023.


The MySTARTUP NXT microconference was launched with a focus on empowering the local startup ecosystem. This program is expanded to the whole country, starting from Cyberjaya, Sarawak, Penang, and ending in Sabah. Under MYSTARTUP, more than 5000 quality startups are targeted to be created by 2030.


The MySTI initiative by MOSTI focuses on prioritizing local technological innovation for government procurement, while prioritizing innovation created by Malaysia. Under this initiative, 300 local products are targeted to be certified and marked by MySTI within a period of 2 years, and at least 50 services enter government procurement.


PSN E-Ticketing

The National Science Center has finally made it easier for people to buy tickets to visit there, online. Booking tickets using PSN's e-ticketing system makes the visit process easier, as well as making it easier for the public to follow various knowledge sharing on science, technology and innovation.

MYC Summit 2023

The MCY Summit by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) mainstreams innovation and entrepreneurship, by maximizing the potential of local universities, agencies and research institutions. At the same time, the MCY Summit also fosters a broad understanding and appreciation of the importance and prospects of innovation.

Malaysia Science Endowment

MOSTI together with the National Academy of Sciences developed a mechanism to establish MSE - thus reducing the dependence on government funding for national R&D. Under this proposal, a fund worth RM2 billion is targeted to be established - with shared contributions by the government, companies, and high-net-worth individuals. This simultaneously allows more parties to contribute to the progress of R&D and innovation.

National Nuclear Technology Policy 2030

The National Nuclear Technology Policy (DTNN) 2030 was launched on 20 September 2023. DTNN 2030 is the national agenda to mainstream the peaceful use of nuclear technology towards enhancing industrial competitiveness, strengthening the well-being of the people and conserving natural resources and the environment.

The Direction of the National Hydrogen Technology and Economy

HETR was developed by MOSTI to support the Low Carbon Country Aspiration 2040, under the National Energy Policy 2022-2040. The main focus of HETR is to advance the country's hydrogen economy through an innovative and comprehensive ecosystem, driven by high technology to enable the transition to the use of hydrogen to achieve decarbonisation targets in a more sustainable socio-economic development agenda.

National Space Policy Action Plan 2030

This plan is in Malaysia's efforts to develop its own space technology - in line with the National Space Policy 2030. The National Space Policy 2030 Action Plan outlines a number of strategies, initiatives and programs until 2030, in line with the objectives of the National Space Policy 2030.

MRANTI AV XL Self-Driving Vehicle Testing Center Launched

MRANTI AV XL (Autonomous Vehicle Experimental Lab) has been launched, where it will house companies active in the new generation vehicle industry and also enable them to test various new technologies with infrastructure facilities such as a 12km long road including busy roads and hilly roads, parking buildings multi-storey, 5G coverage area, traffic management test, transit transport test, AV Simulator, and many more.

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