OnePlus' R series devices for the first time will be launched outside of China and India next year. The device is the OnePlus 12R and it has already entered SIRIM, indicating a launch in Malaysia is coming soon. Recently, the details of this device have been revealed as it is the OnePlus Ace 3 for the Chinese market.
First of all, the design of the device looks more or less the same as the OnePlus 11. The most noticeable difference is that the notification drop-down switch is now on the right, with the volume and power buttons placed on the left side. This change is for a better antenna. The build of the device is also confirmed to be premium looking metal.
Ace 3 in China will have a bronze color but the global version which is 12R is limited to Iron Gray and Cool Blue only. The device will also have a 50MP camera, SuperVOOC 100W fast charging and run Android 14. The device will be launched on January 23 at 10pm. Let's wait together.