Realme GT5 Pro will be launched in China on December 7, 2023 and its design is now fully revealed. It has a similar design to Huawei devices, especially for the relatively high and large camera bump on the back. Quad-cameras are used with one of them featuring the use of a telephoto periscope sensor and an LED light in the same bump.
The front part uses a curved screen which is usually also used on existing flagship class devices. It is also equipped with a bezel size that is almost as large as expected to make the screen look balanced. In addition to the rounded frame that surrounds the device.
Meanwhile, the device also runs RealmeUI 5.0 based on Android 14 with OS support for three years and security for four years. Also provided are improvements to AI support that include support for intelligent speech generation. In addition to having a 1TB storage and a USB-C port with support for the USB 3.2 standard.