TikTok Shop Committed to Community Development – Collaborating with the Federal Territory Foundation to Support 30 Micro-Entrepreneurs

 Corporate Social Responsibility is an action that must be done by every running organization. Therefore, TikTok Shop established a partnership with the Federal Territory Foundation (YWP) to help low-income and disadvantaged people. This program aims to help Micro, Small, and Medium businesses to generate income. The TikTok Shop and YWP opened an opportunity for 30 selected local small entrepreneurs to learn more deeply about the platform that will be used in the future, how to use it so that it can be used continuously in the long term. This article will explore TikTok Shop's efforts in helping local small entrepreneurs to do business on the e-commerce platform better.

Events Held Throughout the Event

As one of the efforts to carry out this program, TikTok Shop held a Dialogue with Entrepreneurs 2023 event to provide guidance, encouragement and contributions to local small entrepreneurs involved. Through this event, various activities were held to help this group start a business and generate income.

According to TikTok Shop, in order to further develop the business, entrepreneurs should know the basics such as how to open an online store on an e-commerce platform such as TikTok Shop. So how does TikTok Shop help them? TikTok Shop helps entrepreneurs by providing guidance on how to register their own online store. In addition, Tik Tok Shop also provides disclosure about prohibitions that should not be done when conducting business and live broadcasting on the platform.

Furthermore, to inspire and inject enthusiasm into every local small entrepreneur present, TikTok Shop held a sharing session of "Success Stories". Through it, some successful videos from TikTok Creators are shared to the public. Various challenges were also told and this to some extent made the spirit of this group to open an online business in the future.

It doesn't stop there, to ensure that this program provides long-term benefits, TikTok Shop also provides external and online training support through marketing campaigns. With this support, small local entrepreneurs can strengthen their marketing strategies from time to time.

Collaboration with Selected Agencies

In addition, in order to make this program a success and further expand the wings of local small and medium entrepreneurs, TikTok Shop also collaborates with several local agencies such as Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB) and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). To ensure that every entrepreneur has a more stable internet network when conducting business, TikTok Shop also collaborates with the leading telecommunications company, Unifi. With this effort to some extent can help small local entrepreneurs to continue business.

Other Initiatives Also Given

Not only that, another initiative given by the TikTok Shop is a financial incentive resulting from the sale of live broadcasts of the TikTokShop 11.11 LIVE Showdown Campaign that was conducted last November. With this incentive, 30 selected local small entrepreneurs will be able to use it as capital to start a business on the TikTok Shop platform. it can to some extent help this group to lighten the burden especially when they just want to start a step in business.

In addition, the TikTok Shop also gave donations in the form of goods to the 30 small entrepreneurs involved. In order to help them learn more about how to best use this platform, the TikTok Shop also held an affiliate workshop from TikTok Shop Creators. Through it, these small entrepreneurs were taught how to promote sales items to customers through live broadcast sales. For starters, these small entrepreneurs can use donated items to learn how to create some appropriate TikTok videos.


In conclusion, through the collaboration between TikTok Shop and the Federal Territories Foundation, this can to some extent pave the way for small local entrepreneurs to start a business in any industry. Not only that, with the support provided such as outdoor and online training through marketing campaigns by TikTok Shop can also help local small entrepreneurs to further strengthen their marketing strategies and further expand their business wings to the next level.

Therefore, if you also want to start your business but don't know where, TikTok Shop is the answer. Register your business now and start your business with TikTok Shop starting today!

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