Galaxy AI – Technology On Samsung's Horizon For 2024


The year 2024 has just entered its third day and this year has seen various brands being very aggressive in promoting their technology. In this regard Samsung has also started their preparations for the year 2024 which will be the year the first AI Device is launched to the public.

Samsung Logo

So far we've only been given a few tidbits about what Samsung will do with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The Samsung Gauss AI model was announced last November with multi-modal capabilities followed by AI Live Translate Call which will later be able to perform a real-time translation process when making phone calls. The feature is expected to start being supported on the Galaxy S24 series when it launches in just a few weeks.

We have attended a session with Samsung representatives in Malaysia and some interesting sharing about the use of AI on Galaxy devices makes us excited to see what they will do next.

AI On Photography

AI in photography is now no longer taboo. Five years ago the use of algorithms on photos was derided as not "original", not "artistic" and some even said it violated the true "spirit of true photography". But this opinion has changed 180 degrees now as people realize they want every moment they want to capture captured perfectly using a handheld camera.

A child takes the first step only happens once and so does a wedding day (ideally) also only once in a lifetime. Ensuring that every photo and video is captured perfectly for playback is mandatory. We believe that 90% of users don't care if the photo taken goes through several post-processing steps to produce the perfect image because it doesn't need to be edited for 10 minutes before it can be shared on social media.

AI will soon improve the photography capabilities of mobile phones. Above we said the photo needs to be edited up to 10 minutes. Don't be surprised if next year smartphones can automatically edit photos stored in Gallery or Google Photos.

It can understand that when taking pictures of buildings, you want them to look more cinematic. Pictures with the family should be described with a more cheerful color theme. The AI is trained using the personal data of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands) of photos you've taken. So every picture processed by AI will conform to personal aesthetics without having to be told.

What is written above is actually not "if it will exist" but "when it will exist" as we have seen for ourselves during the launch of Qualcomm chips in October. Using the wrong lens on a picture? AI can combine two photos one with a wide angle and another ultra wide angle into one without being detected by the naked eye. Have a photo of an ex-lover that you want to erase from your memory? These people can be deleted in an instant by the AI and you never have to see their faces again!

AI In Gaming

According to IDC data, gaming on smartphones will hold 56% of the market in 2023. Greater than gaming on consoles (22%) and PCs (21%) combined. The expected trend of 2024 is to offer console-level graphics on mobile phones. The issue during this time is the limitation of battery usage and the power of the chip which is still not comparable to its two competitors.

Through AI technology like DLSS can be offered on mobile phones. AI will be used to improve graphics quality, frame rate (FPS) and resolution. 4K 60FPS was once considered unattainable for Taming Sari but is now the norm with the help of AI. Interframe images are AI generated to give the illusion of games running at higher frame rates without stuttering issues.

Raytracing on mobile devices

Not limited to that, AI can be used to control power consumption when gaming by putting unnecessary systems and applications to sleep. Among the interesting uses of generative AI in gaming that have been reported is the ability to generate dialogue, dialogue audio and choices in the game when interacting with NPCs in real time. Hundreds of thousands of dialogs that used to have to be recorded can be automatically generated reducing the size of the initial installation on the device.

AI will also be used to produce endless content. Maps can be procedurally generated using AI. Each mission is unique because it is randomly generated and the level of difficulty can change according to the situation. The potential for AI to change the world of video games is high. As gamers we are very excited to see how it will change the landscape of video games in the near future.

Next Generation AI And Virtual Assistants

The era of virtual assistants began in 2011 with the launch of Siri. Although this article is about Samsung we cannot deny the impact of the introduction of Siri on smartphones. In just two years, the assistant on Android managed to overtake the capabilities of Siri, which at this time still failed to catch up.

However, allow us to ask a sincere question. How often do you use Google Assistant, Siri, Bixby, Alexa and various other virtual assistants on your smartphone? According to a survey conducted in the United States, only 48% use virtual assistants on a daily basis. After 12 years of existence, the original vision of a virtual assistant that is truly helpful around the clock has not been realized. The majority of respondents said the virtual assistant was only used to set the alarm clock, do foreign currency exchange and dial phone numbers.

Why is it low usage and just a trivial task? The answer is that existing virtual assistants are not yet smart enough. Here the touch of AI will change everything.

AI available on the device will allow the virtual assistant to be used without an internet connection. No more "I am sorry I can't do this right now" answers because the internet is too slow. A modern virtual assistant with AI built into the device will access the data in your phone. It can ask what's on the agenda in the morning, search for specific files attached to emails, find photos of children on their birthdays three years ago and talk to you like a human personal assistant.

All this is done without an internet connection which means your personal data is always safe and most importantly operates faster as it is processed on the device without having to be sent to the cloud first. Fast but safe!

Existing devices already know when you sleep, when you wake up, where you work, what time you eat and what your daily habits are. This personal data will train an AI just for you, using only your data, and accessible only to you. A paradigm shift in the AI-assisted virtual assistant arena will occur in just a few years.

Everything written above is based on demos that have been shown, that you have tried yourself and based on guesses based on what has been reported  in the artificial intelligence arena. Answers to Samsung's direction and future plans using AI will be announced at the AI for All event at CES on January 8. How likely are the predictions in this article to come true before being applied to real products? The answer will not be long.

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