Samsung Partners With Tesla For SmartThings Energy


Tesla is not only a manufacturer of electric cars but also offers several smart home products. Like their electric cars, these smart home items can also be controlled with the Tesla app. Most recently, Samsung has partnered with Tesla for their SmartThings Energy.

This was announced in conjunction with the CES 2024 event, where Samsung wants to further develop the SmartThings Energy ecosystem, allowing users of the Tesla Powerwall, Solar Inverter, Wall Connector charger and Tesla electric vehicles to monitor and manage power and energy status through Samsung's SmartThings application. It can be accessed through smart television apps and Samsung smart devices.

This is made possible by Tesla having introduced their own open API. Users can also sync Tesla's Storm Watch feature into SmartThings to use AI Energy Mode which uses stored energy as a backup during emergencies such as weather problems.

At the time this article was written, Tesla's SmartThings Energy feature could only be used by users in countries where Tesla offers their solar energy ecosystem.

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