If you look in a textbook today, the planet Uranus will appear bluish gray while Neptune is bright blue. However, scientists from the University of Oxford released the latest study which revealed that this is not the true color of the two planets in our solar system.
On the other hand, the actual color of Uranus and Neptune is the same which is greenish blue. The color error of the two planets occurred because when the pictures of these planets were taken by the Voyager 2 probe decades ago, it did not use the correct color calibration. After the composite image is combined, it produces a lighter, bluish color than the actual color.
To get the true color, scientists used spectrograph data taken by the Hubble space telescope and the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope. With more accurate data, true colors can now finally be produced. The difference between the two planets is that Neptune is slightly bluer than Uranus.