WhatsApp Channels is one of the features on the WhatsApp messaging service, which enables one-way communication. It is used by various brands to share the latest info with their channel followers.
Recently, WhatsApp updated WhatsApp Channels with a number of new features. The main focus is the support of adding an administrator for a channel - at the same time simplifying the management of WhatsApp Channels.
In addition, WhatsApp also now allows audio sharing on WhatsApp Channels - at the same time it is expected to lead to the sharing of content in the form of podcasts through it.
For users, you can now easily share from a WhatsApp Channel to your personal WhatsApp Status - at the same time doing interesting sharing with other friends.
This new update is rolling out to everyone starting today. At the same time, WhatsApp also shared that WhatsApp Channels are now used by more than 500 million users every month. For yourself, don't forget to follow channels like Sukanz and Cereka on WhatsApp Channel.