Apple Music Replay Now Available Every Month


Apple Music Replay is a feature summarizing users' music listening activities throughout the year. It is more or less the same feature as Spotify Wrapped. But since last year, Replay is seen appearing more often on Apple Music than before only at the end of the year. Most recently, Replay has been changed to become a monthly summary.

Monthly replays are seen to display more detailed data. For example, you can access by month, there is a list of popular artists, popular songs, popular albums, new achievements every month as well as playlist activities and favorite songs. This Replay site also provides access to last year's and previous year's information.

In my opinion this is a good feature because it allows users to see their own music listening statistics and may help to further explore thousands of playable song options. Do you want Replay every month or should Apple release it once a year like Spotify Wrapped?

If you're interested, visit

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