Australia Will Ban Employers From Contacting Employees Outside Office Hours

 Work-life balance is an increasingly foreign concept in the modern world because since smart devices came into use, employers can contact staff outside of work. Many employees who feel stressed are contacted outside of work because they worry they will be considered "lazy" for not being proactive. In Australia this will no longer be an issue after a bill to prevent employees from contacting employers outside of working hours is passed.

The bill will prevent employers from contacting employees outside of working hours without paying overtime. Employees who reply to the employer's messages also cannot be penalized if contacted at an unreasonable time. Employers can be fined if they violate the personal time of employees.

The Australian Parliament will present this bill with the support of the majority of MPs. With this, Australia follows the footsteps of France, South Korea, and Belgium, which also prohibit employees from contacting employers after work hours.

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