Google Stores Gemini AI User Data for Up to Three Years


Bard is now Gemini and it will replace Assistant as a virtual assistant on Android devices. By using the Gemini Pro model, Gemini is able to perform a variety of interesting tasks such as recommending image captions for social media sites as well as doing long web page summaries. Regarding the privacy of personal data, it should be noted that Gemini will store some user data for up to three years.

This is confirmed in the Gemini support page published by Google. User data may be read by Google for the purpose of upgrading the Gemini service as well as fixing any issues reported by users. User conversations with Gemini marked for this purpose will be stored for up to three years. Other conversation data can still be manually deleted by the user through Gemini Apps Activity settings.

Again if a service is "free", the payment is personal data. Google however reminds Gemini users not to share personal or confidential information that they do not want human employees at Google to see.

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