Huawei Reduces Mate 60 Production To Produce Ascend AI Chip


Huawei Mate 60, Mate 60 Pro and Mate 60 Pro+ are Huawei's new flagship device series. All these devices are powered by self-designed Kirin 9000s chips based on 7nm technology. The Mate 60 series was so well received in China that it succeeded in returning Huawei to the list of the five largest device manufacturers in Q4 2024. However, Reuters reports that its production is now being de-prioritized to make way for the production of AI Ascend chips which have higher demand in China.

One of the Huawei factories that manufactures the Mate 60 does not have a high production volume. Therefore, this factory will be changed to produce Kirin chips and Ascend 910B AI chips. Demand for Huawei's AI chips is high following the US's ban on importing NVIDIA and AMD chips into China. Baidu for example has started using the Ascend chip instead of the A100 chip to train their AI models.

Although China has Baidu, their AI system is said to be still not comparable to ChatGPT with GTP-4 or Google Bard with Gemini. Perhaps with Ascend chip production ramping up, more and more powerful Chinese AI services will hit the market?

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