Intel has announced today that some of their software and driver software are exposed to 34 types of security vulnerabilities that have been fixed or are in the process of being fixed for all users.
This security vulnerability is seen to affect a number of driver software for chipsets such as audio, WiFi, OneAPI software, Intel Unison, Intel XTU overclocking software, Intel Battery Life Diagnostic Tool and also the Thunderbolt feature.
The security vulnerability on the Thunderbolt component in particular is very serious because it alone has 20 different vulnerabilities that allow hackers to increase user access, steal data and perform DDoS hacking attacks through computers.
However, it is also reported that most of these vulnerabilities require physical access to a computer or laptop to be used. In fact, this announcement by Intel was only released after these vulnerabilities have been fixed, and Intel recommends that users of computers with Intel chips update all Intel-related software and driver software as soon as possible.