Laboratory Artificial Testicles Successfully Produced To Treat Human Fertility

We have already succeeded in producing lab-made meat and organs as substitutes for real organs. This technology has also succeeded in producing laboratory-made testicles. Scientists from Bar-Ilan University, Israel produced laboratory-made testicles from rat testicle cells. It lasts for 9 weeks until it shows signs of almost undergoing the process of meiosis required to produce the gametes cells required to produce sperm.

These laboratory-made organs are also called organoids that are used as substitutes for human organs in laboratory tests. The scientists who developed this lab-made testicular organoid believe it can be used to treat fertility issues in humans and conduct various studies on the reproductive organs. Scientists have previously successfully produced organoids for the brain and lungs.

Another use is to harvest human testicular cells before undergoing medical procedures that may result in infertility such as cancer treatment. After the treatment is over, sperm can be produced through laboratory-made testicles which the patient then uses to produce offspring.

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