Microsoft Is Testing The Use Of The “Sudo” Command In Windows 11

 If you are a user of a Linux-based operating system such as Ubuntu or Manjaro, the command line interface (CLI) command "sudo" is definitely something you are used to using every day. Recently, it was reported that Microsoft will bring the command to Windows 11 soon.

Sudo or the short name for the command "super user do" is the first command used to allow users to access commands that can normally only be accessed by account administrators directly from the user account.

For corporate laptops, this allows administrators to access certain commands without having to log into their accounts and speeds up the tasks that need to be done.

This sudo command is being tested in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052 and can be accessed through the Settings menu, under the System > For Developers sub-menu. When the Enable Sudo switch is enabled, the user can then configure how this sudo command will work.

Three options are given, where after the sudo command is used, a new CLI menu will be opened to distinguish the normal CLI menu and also the sudo command menu. The second option is that the sudo command will operate in the same menu, but with stdin (standard input) turned off. This is for sudo commands that require no input from the user, and limit the user to only a few sudo commands.

The third is the inline option, where sudo input will be displayed in the CLI menu just like the user menu, which is most similar to how sudo is used in Linux. Microsoft recommends that you first understand how the sudo command works before you enable this feature.

For now, this feature is only featured in the latest Windows Insider program, but is expected to be introduced in a major Windows 11 update in the future.

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