The existence of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra has been confirmed through Lei Jun's previous statement and now its design has appeared in some viral images. Here it is clear that the device has not been given a significant design change with a fake leather based back panel and a large camera bump. The sensor position and Leica branding are also the same as before.
If there are any changes, maybe just the addition of a little bump on the camera module for a little difference. Then the power button and audio adjustment are placed on the right side. Also followed by a USB-C port and a speaker at the bottom. One thing to note is the lack of a red emitter (IR Blaster) but it is unlikely that Xiaomi will abandon that additional feature.
It is still unclear about the internal hardware but it is expected that there will be a titanium variant available. The expected price can reach €1,499 (about ~RM7,686).