Telegram introduced the View Once feature in September 2023, but it can only be used for media files such as pictures. But now, the feature can be used for voice and video messages as well through the new update. This means that any voice or video message sent will be automatically deleted after opening once.
Works the same as before, users can start recording messages by tapping the microphone icon. Then swipe up to lock the recording and press the "View Once" icon before sending. With this, the recipient will only be able to listen to the voice message, or view the video message sent once before it is automatically deleted.
Apart from that, Telegram has also rolled out a number of other important updates, which include the ability to pause and resume recording for both voice and video messages. Also followed is a better search function, and an updated contact interface with attractive colors and emojis.
Users can also see the exact time along with the date and time when the message sent has been read by the recipient. For premium users, you can now hide the reading time, as well as choose who can send messages first, either everyone or contacts only.