Elon Musk once said that the country that masters AI will be able to dominate the world. Looking at the current development of AI, maybe what Musk said is true. Therefore, the United States began to restrict access to the latest chips to China to ensure that their status as a country with the latest technological advances would not be overtaken.
But according to a recent report by Marco Polo, America's efforts may be too late because by 2022, as many as 47% of the best researchers in the field of AI will come from China. The United States is far behind with only contributing 18% followed by Europe (12%), India (5%), Canada (2%), the UK (2%), Korea (2%) and Russia (2%).
China invested early in the field of AI and the results are clearly visible now. In 2019, researchers from China only accounted for 29% of high-level AI research with America accounting for 20%.
Yet so many researchers choose to work in the United States over China and Europe. For example the best researchers in the field of AI mostly work at Google and Stanford. In the Southeast Asian region, the National University of Singapore is the only university with the highest number of researchers in the field of AI studies.