America Wants to Ban Companies That Help Huawei Produce Chips

Last year Huawei rose like a phoenix from the ashes by producing several self-designed Kirin chips. The technology was successfully developed even though they were subject to technology restrictions by the United States since 2019. Huawei's capabilities surprised the United States and now there are reports of companies that help them will now also be subject to the same restrictions.

According to a South China Morning Post report, Qingdao Si'En, SwaySure, Shenzhen Pensun Technology and ChangXin Memory Technologies acquired by Huawei will continue to be blacklisted by the US Department of Commerce's entity list. Through these companies as well as SMIC, Huawei launched the Huawei Mate 60 with 5G capabilities that have been blocked due to technology owned by the United States.

Huawei is not the only company to be put on the entity list due to the trade war between the United States and China. The importation of the latest AI chips from AMD and NVIDIA by Chinese companies has also been blocked to slow down the country's efforts to build AI models that are seen as giving competition to America. Chinese companies such as TikTok are accused of spying on behalf of the CCP so that they will be forced to sell or be banned from operating completely.

The cold war of the 1980s has now been replaced by a technological war. If there is one positive thing about the rivalry between these two world powers, it is that Malaysia has become the destination of choice for international companies because our country is now receiving huge investment in the chip production sector from both countries.

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