Apple App Store Purchase History Updated With Clearer Information

I often see people complaining that their debit cards, debit cards and sometimes their digital wallet balances are missing hundreds of ringgit each because of an accidental purchase on the Apple App Store. To get back compensation is usually a bit tedious because we have to find the booking ID.

Most recently, the App Store is seen to have been updated with the purchase history now displaying clearer information. On my account, the purchase history is displayed from as far back as 2016. Then I can also filter by paid or free apps and purchase types such as in-app purchases or digital content.

Each purchase is displayed by day. The date, booking ID, document number, Apple ID and billing address are all clearly visible. In fact, users can request a receipt even if the purchase was made five years ago (for example). It's very easy now to go into purchase details, but it's a shame to report a problem like wanting to claim damages – the App Store still opens in a web browser and it's not built directly into the App Store.

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