Apple Vision Pro Has Been Used To Perform Surgical Procedures

Is Apple Vision Pro a gimmick or a useful product. We still do not have a definitive answer to this question. In the UK, it is confirmed that it can help when performing surgical procedures. Suvi Verho a nurse and also a surgical assistant used Vision Pro while helping to perform surgical procedures at Cromwell Hospital, London two weeks ago.

Previously he used the Microsoft HoloLens 2 headset to perform the same task. The headset can identify the surgical instrument to be used. Close up just looking at the instrument, it can be identified by the headset. It can also reduce the occurrence of mistakes in the operating theatre.

According to Dr. Syed Aftab who performed the surgery, the headset reduced the time of the surgeon's assistant identifying the surgical instruments used. Without a long training period, surgical assistants can perform tasks with the help of AR headsets such as Vision Pro.

eXeX software is used to assist procedures with virtual elements incorporated through AR technology. Previously it was only used on HoloLens 2 and is only now offered on Vision Pro. With Microsoft no longer planning to support HoloLens 2, the Vision Pro now takes its place as an AR headset for industrial use.

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