Google DeepMind Produces Soccer Tactic AI Using Liverpool FC Data

Another new artificial intelligence (AI) developed by Google DeepMind but this time it is not a chatbot, not an image generator or analyzing cancer. TacticAI, on the other hand, is an AI that provides tactical recommendations for soccer using data collected by the Liverpool FC club.

At this point TacticAI is used to suggest the best tactics to produce a goal or defend an opponent's attack through a corner kick. Data from Premier League matches by Liverpool FC has been collected over several years and player positions and where the ball should be delivered will be suggested by TacticAI based on input.

At Liverpool FC, these AI-recommended tactics are chosen by human experts at a 90% level compared to tactics performed during training sessions. TacticAI also successfully predicts player movements with high accuracy.

The collaboration of DeepMind and Liverpool FC was announced in 2021. In addition to TacticAI, an AI that analyzes penalty kicks and predicts the position of players when they are not visible in the video to analyze tactics has also been produced before.

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