Intel Allowed to Continue Selling Chips to Huawei Despite Opposition

Huawei has been included in the list of entities of the US Department of Commerce since 2019. As a result, access to Google Play Services, 5G chips, foundries and the latest processors for mobile phones have been blocked, causing Huawei to almost fall. But interestingly Huawei is still allowed to use computer chips produced by Intel.

Permission to sell Intel chips to Huawei was granted by the Donald Trump administration. There have been efforts over the past year from American politicians calling for this permission to be withdrawn as well. AMD is one of the parties that complained because they were not given permission to sell to Huawei. As a result, at this time almost 91% of computers sold by Huawei are equipped with Intel chips. At this point Intel is still allowed to continue dealing with Huawei without any hindrance.

No reason was ever given why only Intel was granted permission. Huawei is aware of the fact that this permission can be withdrawn at any time and therefore has produced their own CPU knowing this. The Huawei Qingyun L540 laptop was launched with the Kirin 9006C chip but only for the Chinese market.

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