LinkedIn Will Add Tekaria-Formed Games

LinkedIn, one of the social services that focuses on workers and professionals, is now looking to add gaming support to their platform. LinkedIn is expected to focus on tekaria-style games, and may allow you to compete among colleagues, or with friends from other companies on LinkedIn.

Puzzle games in the form of Wordle, crossword puzzles, counting and so on are expected to be added to LinkedIn. This move is also expected to make users spend more time on LinkedIn, in addition to making the service more actively used.

For now, the launch date is still unknown.

BREAKING: #LinkedIn is working on IN-APP GAMES!

There are going to be a few different games and companies will be ranked in the games based on the scores of their employees!

Pretty cool and fun, in my opinion!

— Nima Owji (@nima_owji) March 16, 2024

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