OneWayQueue Simplifies the Process of Queuing in Stores

Ramadan will start tomorrow and every year there will be a viral social media status about the difficulty of finding a place to break the fast at the last minute. Many restaurants use a first-come, first-served system and turn off the seat reservation system. With the world now becoming more modern, OneWayQueue solves this issue by using technology.

OneWayQueue is developed by Web123. Customers who arrive at the store only need to scan the OneWayQueue QR code displayed in front of the store. They only need to enter their personal information and phone number to get the queue number. When it's their turn, OneWayQueue will send a message via WhatsApp.

OneWayQueue can also display the number of people waiting for their turn, the estimated waiting time, who has canceled the reservation and can also display the store menu to see the food that can be ordered. With this, customers do not have to spend time standing outside the store waiting for their turn. At this time the OneWayQueue system can be subscribed at a price of RM100 per month with a charge of 0.35 sen for each SMS.

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