The F-16 fighter jet that Ukraine dreams of fighting Russia has its weaknesses

  Ukraine dreams of F-16 fighter jets and now, its military pilots are training to use them. But while the F-16 is advanced and agile, experts warn Ukraine may face challenges in operating such a high-maintenance aircraft.

Tom Richter, a former US Marine pilot who flew the jet while in the National Guard, said the F-16 was sensitive compared to the Soviet-era aircraft that Ukraine normally uses.

"If you've ever walked up and put your hands on a MiG-29 at an air show and then walked up and put your hands on an F-16, you can feel from the outside how incredibly well engineered the F-16 is," he said.

But that is also its weakness, namely that it must really be cared for. "(The F-16) is excellent and very sensitive and requires high maintenance," he said, adding that Ukraine's Soviet-era MiG jets were more 'rugged' and required less maintenance.

Yuriy Ihnat, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, acknowledged some changes were needed for Ukraine to operate the F-16. "The Falcon does need some adaptations such as runway preparation because the landing gear is smoother, the wheels are small, the air inlet is low, there may be a danger of swallowing objects. But everything can be overcome. There are risks for all flights," he said.

A coalition led by the US, Denmark and the Netherlands helped train Ukrainian pilots and crew to operate and maintain the jets. A group of Ukrainian pilots began F-16 training at Denmark's Skrydstrup Air Base last August.

Danish Minister of Defense, Troels Lund Poulsen, assessed that despite the challenges, the training of Ukrainian pilots was progressing and they were now flying the jets over Danish territory. Other countries, such as the UK, are preparing pilots for such training with basic aviation lessons and English.

There are also about 50 Ukrainian technicians trained to support and repair F-16s that are so complex that it typically takes eight to 14 people to maintain each jet.

One Ukrainian pilot who underwent training in Denmark previously praised the F-16. He considers using it like an upgrade from Nokia to iPhone. But even though the F-16 is extraordinary, adapting to its advanced electronic systems is not easy.

Ukraine has long argued it needs fighter jets to be effective against Russia and asked its allies to send F-16s as soon as possible. Of some 45 jets promised to Ukraine, the first six jets will be delivered to Denmark late spring this year.

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