TikTok is estimated to be worth around $100 Billion

TikTok needs to be sold if it wants to continue operating in the United States after the country's House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill forcing its sale within six months. This was done for the reason of "maintaining national security" because TikTok is accused of spying on behalf of China.

Although Bytedance insists it will oppose this bill if passed by the senate and President Biden, several investor groups in the United States have been ready to buy it. According to analysts, TikTok's value is currently around $100 billion and will drop to $40 billion if the algorithm is not sold together. A few years ago China stipulated that algorithms owned by Chinese companies could not be sold without prior government permission. This makes TikTok more valuable than Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and WhatsApp when it was sold by the original owner.

At the same time many analysts see the company's sale process will take years because TikTok will oppose it through the high court. Because of this, it is very likely that TikTok will only be banned from operating in the United States and will not be sold at all. If this happens, the United States will follow in the footsteps of India and Nepal which also banned TikTok earlier.

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