UN Passes First Global Resolution on Artificial Intelligence

The United Nations unanimously passed the first global resolution on artificial intelligence (AI) to encourage member states to protect human rights, protect personal data and monitor risks posed by AI.

The resolution, proposed by the United States and co-sponsored by China and 122 other countries, also supports strengthening consumer privacy policies. A total of 193 UN member states supported this resolution at a time when the impact of the use of AI on daily life can be seen more and more clearly.

Among the most hotly discussed about AI at this time is how it is used to easily produce fake content, online fraud and cause many to lose their jobs in the near future.

China and the EU are a small number of countries that already have a framework on the use of AI. In Malaysia, a code of ethics and governance of artificial intelligence (AI) is being developed by MOSTI in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, representatives of government agencies, higher education institutions and industry and is expected to be completed this year.

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