Android 15 Will Support Wireless Charging Using NFC

The wireless charging system is now supported on affordable devices produced by Infinix. There are several formats that can be used but Qi 2 is the most popular with up to 15W charging. But it still requires a large coil system on the back panel of the device. In the latest Android 15 Beta code, there are indications that wireless support via NFC will be provided.

The NFC Charging Standard (WLC) supports charging at only 1W power but requires a smaller antenna. So it can be used on more Android devices in the future. Even more interesting are WLCs, earphones, smart watches, object trackers, health trackers, styluses and various other accessories that can finally support wireless charging.

Object trackers for example can be easily charged without having to change dry cell batteries as they are now. As usual WLC will only be successful if the manufacturer is willing to support it.

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