DiskMantler Breaks Down Hard Drives Into Basic Components To Ease Component Recycling

Disposal of storage components such as hard drives typically requires hardware disposal companies to incinerate or destroy these components, which typically does not help in reducing pollution and waste disposal issues.

Recently, a data disposal company from the United States, Garner Products has introduced their hard drive disposal equipment called DiskMantler which helps in disposing of these hard drives in a more environmentally friendly way.

How to use DiskMantler is quite simple. The user only needs to insert the hard disk into the opening on the front of this device, and set the time that he wants to use to reform the component to its basic parts, after which it can be removed, and some specific parts such as rare earth magnets and circuit boards can be reused for other electronic equipment.

What's even more interesting is the time it takes to reformat these hard drives. Users only need 60-120 seconds, depending on the size of the hard drive to "uninstall" this component, after which, the disk can go through the "degaussing" process to delete the data contained in it.

As of now, it is not known what the price tag will be for this DiskMantler device, and whether Garner Products will sell it in bulk.

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