Instagram Updated With More Features Specifically For Content Creators

Some major updates have been given to the Instagram app aimed at making it easier for content creators to interact with followers. Started with Polls in caption which allows polls to be created on the main uploaded post. At the same time, it is able to increase the interaction of many parties in a content easily.

It works more or less the same as the poll function on stories which allows you to ask questions to a large audience. Then provide between two to four answer options for them to choose. Only one vote can be made and the percentage for each voting option will also be displayed to the public. It should also be noted that any survey that has been posted cannot be edited again.

Next is the Subcribe Sticker which is very useful for content creators who use Instagram Subscriptions. As shown in the example, these specific stickers can be used on Stories to help increase reach and attract new followers in a more effective way.

Then the Notify sticker provides another way to help ensure followers are always informed about new updates on the application. It works more or less like the Subcribe Sticker earlier which then provides three update notification options which include Posts, Stories and Reels.

All of this has also been announced by Adam Mosseri who is the chief executive officer of Instagram through a short video on the official account yesterday.

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