Post.News Will Discontinue Service After Launching About A Year Ago

Post.News is one of those micro-sharing platforms, more or less like Twitter – but more focused on the convenience of following various news through it. It was launched last April 2023, and now, a year later, Post announced that it will end the service in a few days.

The service, which was developed by the former CEO of Waze, is said to not be growing fast enough, making it unable to generate enough revenue to maintain its operations.

This at once made it unable to become a successful business, and they now chose to terminate Post.News. Perhaps one of the shortcomings of this platform is that it focuses on the web arena, and is slow in the introduction of mobile applications.

In the coming weeks, a feature to export all previously shared data will be introduced, making it even easier for users to bring their data to other platforms, or save it for future reference.

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