Semiconductor Chips Developed by TSMC Outside Taiwan Will Be Sold at Higher Prices

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company or TSMC has begun to open new factories in several countries other than Taiwan such as the United States, Germany, Japan and so on as a way to increase semiconductor chip production capacity at various levels.

The cost of opening these new factories costs billions of dollars, and although they are seen to help in increasing the production of various types of semiconductor chips with the latest technology, TSMC CEO, C.C. Wei says that the production of these processing chips will come with its own caveats.

He said that the cost of developing these new factories is very high, and coupled with the cost of electricity and water supply required to manufacture these semiconductor chips, the probability is that TSMC will have to sell the chips at a price that higher than if they bought chips developed in Taiwan.

The search for skilled labor in the field of research and development of semiconductor chips using these new technologies is also one of the reasons why processing chips manufactured outside Taiwan will face an increase in cost.

So far TSMC has not confirmed what additional premium will have to be paid by companies that want certain processing chips at the desired time and location, but according to calculations at the factory in Arizona, the chips manufactured using the N4 and N5 processes (4 , 5nm) it will come with a price tag 20-30 percent higher than the original price.

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