TIME Internet Service Experienced Interruption

TIME service customers just now reported interference to access internet services. We are aware of the disruption occurring in our own office in the center of Kuala Lumpur and also in several locations such as in Kepong. Based on reactions on social media, disruptions were also reported by users in Penang.

At this point TIME has not released any statement on how long the disruption will take place and what caused it. After calling the customer service line a while ago, TIME confirmed that there was an outage and that the process of restoring it has been carried out with an estimated time of around four hours.

What we realized is that it is closely related to the DNS settings. When replacing DNS settings using Google or Cloudflare for example, internet service will return to normal. So for a while please change the internet settings at home to use DNS other than the default settings given by TIME. This article will be updated after we receive more information and an official statement from TIME.

*Updated article with areas of outage reported to occur and also estimate when it will be restored*

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