Apple Logo On iPad May Be Oriented To Landscape Position

How do you use an iPad? Vertical or in landscape position? To our attention in the office, all iPad owners admitted to using their tablets in landscape orientation. So the question is why the logo on the iPad is still placed in the same vertical position as on the back of the iPhone?

But this may change soon. In an interview with the Numerama site, Molly Anderson, one of the Apple employees involved in the design of the new iPad Pro and iPad Air, said that this logo may be changed to a landscape orientation on future iPad models.

This is because the majority of iPad owners use it in this position. This year, the camera on the iPad Pro and iPad has now been changed to landscape instead of the top bezel like before. This will make it as easy to use as a MacBook laptop.

Magic Keyboard for iPad itself only supports it connected in landscape position.

If the orientation of the Apple logo is changed, future iPads will eventually have a design parallel to the Apple logo on the back of all MacBooks.

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