In June last year, Opera One was launched as a new era of web browsers. It focuses on the use of artificial intelligence and Opera also includes their own AI Aria which can also be trained with user input. Image generating support is also provided using Google Imagen2 and it is also the first web browser with a built-in language model. Most recently, Opera browser with AI for Android has been updated with Aria now able to formulate web pages.
Browse any text-based website like Aksiz, Tajria and others, then press the three-dot icon and select Summarize. A chat window with Aria will open and the URL of the previous website will be included with the "Summarize this webpage" prompt. Even though the web content is in Malay, Aria can still summarize the entire web into English. Not only that if your device settings are in Malay, Aria can also provide summaries in the same language.