Blaustahl USB Storage Showcased – 8KB Storage With 200 Year Lifespan

When it comes to USB storage, it's no surprise that the size of the device and the amount of storage are typically inversely proportional. This makes it easy for users to carry different types of files along with them everywhere, and makes it easy to access them.

Recently, a company called Machdyne has introduced a small size USB storage called Blaustahl which has a storage size of 8KB (kilobyte) only. Advantages of this storage? It comes with a lifetime of 200 years which is normally only shown on tape storage.

This Blaustahl USB storage is made of FRAM or Ferroelectric RAM designed for long-term storage of text data. It comes with not only a very fast data write rate, but also has a data write and read cycle as high as a million billion cycles.

This storage uses a USB Type-A connection to access the storage in it, and users do not need to install any additional software to use it. Technically, this kind of USB storage can be used to store confidential data such as passwords, notes, cryptographic keys and so on, if this storage comes with a good enough security system.

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