Google Is Responsible For The First Version Android Twitter App

Most of the popular social media apps of today used to only have apps for iOS. After the use of Android increased, Android version applications were introduced, for example Facebook and Instagram were iOS applications first. Unlike Twitter, their first app was for Android. The latest TechCrunch report states that Google is the developer responsible for developing the first version of the Twitter application for Android.

TechCrunch recently interviewed Sara Beykpour, the former senior director of product management at Twitter who is now the founder of the AI company, Particle, Beykpour explained that Google wanted to invite more people to use Android so they developed the first version of the Twitter app. The Twitter team then proceeded to develop this app. In fact, Google has also published an article about the development of this application.

According to Beykpour again, at the time the report about the launch of the Twitter application for Android, not many people gave credit to Google even though Twitter itself had informed it, causing people to forget about Google's services which also contributed to Twitter's success.

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