Google Pays Apple Up To $20 Billion In 2022 To Remain Safari's Top Search Engine

According to new court documents, it

appears that Google has paid Apple up to $20 billion by 2022, to become the main search engine on the Safari web browser. For information, the Safari web browser comes built-in on iPhone, iPad and even MacBook.

Google is ready to work with Apple to become the leading search engine, and payments are seen to increase year on year – in line with Apple's increasing user numbers.

It is said that, initially, Apple agreed for Google to be the main search engine Safari for free in 2002. However, later they switched to sharing the advertising revenue on the search engine. Google is said to share 36% of Safari's search advertising revenue with Apple.

The move also sees Google paying Apple more than $1 billion every month to remain the top search engine.

Microsoft has also offered cooperation for the Bing search engine to Apple – including to sell it to Apple. However, the matter has not been realized so far. In fact, it is also said that Apple itself does not make their own search engine, because the income through Google is more worthwhile than the development itself.

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