JPJ Emphasizes Never Giving Approval To BJAK To Carry Out Road Tax Reform Transactions

The Road Transport Department (JPJ) is now issuing an official statement, and insists that neither the Ministry of Transport Malaysia nor the JPJ itself has ever given approval to the BJAK to carry out road tax renewal transaction services.

BJAK was previously ready to market their services as a one-stop center in facilitating road tax reform, including using promotional words stating that their services were "audited, validated and approved by JPJ".

JPJ also stated that some users have complained that the road tax reform implemented through BJAK - but the validity period has not been updated.

JPJ emphasizes that there is no system integration between JPJ and the system used by BJAK. JPJ encourages users to use services such as MyEG, JPJ counter, myJPJ application and so on for the renewal process.

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