Mufti of Selangor: Haram to Buy Warranty Cards or "Extended Warranty" Separately

The Mufti of Selangor often answers various questions that are addressed. Most recently, the Mufti of Selangor also answered a question involving the purchase of a warranty card or extended warranty for a product. As many are aware, there are several brands that offer additional warranty sales separately for their products, including Apple through Apple Care.

Responding to the question, the Mufti of Selangor stated that it is allowed to sell goods together with a repair service guarantee for a certain period, and that it brings benefits to the buyer. This is required.

However, if you buy a warranty card or extended warranty separately - such as buying a new warranty after the warranty period has expired, then it should not be because it has an element of gharar. This is because the buyer is buying and paying for something that is possible or uncertain - whether he will benefit from the repair service, and possibly not.

The Mufti of Selangor also stated that most of the contemporary scholars decided this was haram. This is because the damage is something that is not sure to happen, but the payment has been made. It is explained that this matter of uncertainty is gharar and gambling or qimar.

This prohibition is also the same as conventional insurance that combines the same elements. However, if it is based on takaful, then it is required on the tabarruq contract.

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