NASA Successfully Sends Laser Communication Signals 226 Million KM

The Deep Space Optical Communication (DSOC) laser-based space communication system made another history when it successfully sent data to Earth from a distance of 226 million kilometers on April 8. This is more than 7 times further than the record of 31 million kilometers that was successfully recorded in December last year.

This time the data from the Psyche spacecraft carrying the DSOC was successfully sent back to earth at a speed of 25 Mbps. This is also a speed that is beyond the expectations of NASA which only expects a speed of 1 Mbps in the tests carried out.

The radio communication system used now has a data transmission speed of only 5.2 Mbps which is too slow for the communication needs between the earth and the Mars colony in the future. DSOC wants to increase the data transmission rate between 10-100 times to enable real-time video communication and faster transmission of big data.

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