Project Gameface That Enables Face Control Now On Android

At Google I/O 2023, Project Gameface was announced as a project that allows people with disabilities who use conventional input devices such as a mouse, to control using their faces. At that time it was developed for use on computers and this year, Google updated this project so that it can also be used on smartphones.

Project Gameface now supports 52 different facial styles including open mouth, raised eyebrows, looking in a certain direction, winking and more. Each face style can be matched with the Android system such as going to the home screen, opening the application tray, and checking notifications.

Google made this project open source on its GitHub page so that developers can leverage this technology into various applications. For now Google has not made Project Gameface an official accessibility feature for Android.

Today also Apple announced Eye Tracking which allows iPhone and iPad to be controlled by tracking eye movements as another new accessibility feature for the disabled.

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