Sony Music Warns 700 Companies Not To Use Their Music To Train AI

Lately there has been a lot of news that tech companies are paying licenses to access user data from other services to train their artificial intelligence systems. Among them are Reddit with Google, Stack Overflow with OpenAI and many more. Like Google warning tech companies not to use YouTube videos training AI, Sony Music Group has warned 700 tech companies.

The names of the 700 tech companies were not disclosed but Sony Music insists that as one of the world's largest music labels, the tech company is not allowed to use album art, lyrics, metadata and music compositions to train artificial intelligence models. This is to protect the creative works of their artists and also to protect the registered copyright.

At the moment it is still uncertain whether Suno, Udio or other AI-powered music generating services use data from Sony Music Group. In any case, it's a good move for Sony to issue a warning like this, as it can reduce the initiative of creating various AI-based music content that may not respect the original work.

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