Tiles Will Not Support Google's Find My Device Network For Object Trackers

Tiles were quite popular object trackers before the existence of Apple AirTags and Samsung Galaxy SmartTag2. The idea of Apple and Google with the Find My and Find My Device systems is to make users of their respective platform devices as nodes to help find objects with object trackers that follow the specifications of the Internet Engineering Task Force. For Tiles, they announced that their object tracker will only support standalone networks.

This means that all Tiles products will not support Find My or Find My Device systems. On the other hand, they will use the Hubble Network network which takes advantage of satellite technology and guarantees that it can increase the Bluetooth-based search power up to hundreds of kilometers more precisely than using a smartphone as a search node. The network will also leverage Life360's 66 active object trackers as Tiles is now a brand under Life360.

Tiles products will support the Hubble Network by 2025. Life360 will also give developers and manufacturers access to their network if anyone wants to create object trackers with Apple or Google's independent search networks.

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