With the announcement of the Copilot+ series of computers powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon X processor chip series, Microsoft also showed some interesting AI features such as Recall and Windows Automatic Super Resolution (Auto SR) that can be used by these Windows for Arm computers.
Initially, it was understood that these two features could be used by computers powered by Qualcomm's latest processing chip, but Microsoft has confirmed through several reports that Windows Auto Resolution in particular can only be used by devices powered by the Snapdragon X Elite processing chip for now.
Windows Automatic Super Resolution is a feature where the resolution of a computer game is lowered for faster graphics frame processing, where the Windows operating system will then combine the power of the NPU and also artificial intelligence to fill the details into these frames when the game is played at the set resolution.
Recently, Microsoft has confirmed that for now, the Windows Automatic Super Resolution feature can only be used on laptops powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite chip only, and not the Snapdragon X Plus, nor the Intel Meteor Lake processing chip.
In the meantime, Microsoft also says that to take advantage of this Auto SR feature, the game's resolution should be set to a resolution with 900 horizontal pixels down, such as 1200×800, as the example given.
Microsoft also says that features such as Recall and Auto SR will be introduced periodically to the Snapdragon X Plus and Intel Meteor Lake chips at a time to be announced.