Apple Is Reportedly In Talks With Chinese Companies To Introduce AI On Their Devices

The introduction of AI technology on smart devices is not something new, where it can be seen that all smart device manufacturers, including Apple have introduced their own AI offerings for existing devices, as well as devices that will be released soon.

Apple's position as a maker of premium smart devices is seen as a bit unique compared to other manufacturers because they are seen using a two-pronged two-pronged tactic, where they not only work with OpenAI to introduce generative AI technology on their devices, but are also seen developing their own AI technology as well.

But for the Chinese market, which is Apple's second largest device market, the situation is a little difficult because AI technologies developed by US companies, such as ChatGPT and so on, are not allowed to be used in the country.

Therefore, it has been reported that Apple is in talks with several technology companies in China such as Baidu, Alibaba and Baichuan AI in showing how Apple Intelligence features can be introduced in the market.

The development of AI technology in China is quite complicated even for technology companies in China, because any machine learning and development of language models that use text, images and video need to receive permission from the technology and securities body in China before it can be developed and used on any smart device.

According to the Wall Street Journal report, Apple has tried to get permission from the Chinese government to use the language model from abroad, but it seems that it has only met a dead end in the process.

The use of AI technology is seen as important for Apple to increase their market share in China, as so far, according to Counterpoint's report, they have fallen two places to third place behind two local brands in the first quarter of 2024.

The Apple iPhone 16 series of devices is expected to be introduced in the third quarter of this year, and is seen to introduce the full capabilities of the Apple Intelligence AI feature. How Apple will present it for their devices in the Chinese market is still unknown.

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