Huawei Plans To Take A Lower Cut Than Apple And Google For HarmonyOS In-App Purchases

Today, Apple and Google charge a 30% tax on any in-app purchases or purchases made on their app stores. Huawei is seen to be starting to introduce support for purchases, subscriptions and in-app purchases for the HarmonyOS app, and it is reported that Huawei will take a lower charge, which is around 20%.

For now, Huawei is said to be in the initial discussion phase with a number of application publishers. HarmonyOS Next is expected to be introduced soon which will move away from the dependency on Android, while bringing a number of native applications developed specifically for HarmonyOS.

After around 4 years of offering HarmonyOS, Huawei is now seen to have started to dare to step to the next level by focusing on native application development, and charging developers. In fact, recently we have also seen the market share of HarmonyOS has surpassed iOS in China.

Let's all look forward to what Huawei's steps are for the global market, after they start to strengthen the position of HarmonyOS in China.

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